Thursday, August 30, 2012

DVD Review: Paws & Tales ~ Being Kind and Caring

The first I heard of "Paws & Tales" was when this DVD was offered as a review copy from Tyndale.  As a family who has learned much from Chuck Swindoll's Biblical teaching, I was happy to pop this DVD in for our children.  I have since learned that there is also a Paws & Tales radio program.  We love listening to Adventures in Odyssey and many other radio/CD stories; this series would likely be another we would enjoy but unfortunately, we don't receive it on our local Christian radio station.

There are two stories included in this particular DVD ~ forgiveness and helping others.  The 25-minute (approximately) stories are based on lessons we all need to remember from Matthew 18:21-22 and Matthew 6:14.  Our four children, aged 2-10 enjoyed watching these shows, although I think a child 10-12 would be at the upper end of the age spectrum for this type of presentation.

Both story lines are similar, centering around Go-Kart/Soap Box races.  In the first story, the bear children need to work through issues of forgiveness versus revenge and in the second story they learn about working together to help each other out instead of forging through as a one-man team. 

There is a positive lesson taught and sound moral resolution found in each story.  It's nice to find Christian children's videos that aren't filled with innuendos and inappropriate material.  We try to limit tv to DVDs we have on hand, knowing instead that we can monitor what they are exposed to.  I would recommend Paws & Tales to others wanting to have solid videos in their collection for those rainy days or quiet time before bed.  I'll be looking for other titles in this series.

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