Saturday, September 10, 2011

Book Review: The Blessing - by John Trent & Gary Smalley

The most recent book I have received from Booksneeze (Thomas Nelson) to review is "The Blessing" by John Trent and Gary Smalley.

To be honest, I'm hard-pressed to read psychology-related books.  I much prefer a good story; true-to-life or fiction.  However, this was a book that caught my eye. 

We all want the best for our children and having our children feel valued, loved, and respected is important to my husband and I.  In turn, we want them to value, love, and respect others (both now and as they grow up).  This book helped me relate more to how to best go about instilling this heart-knowledge in their young lives.  The investment we make in their lives today will be something they take with them forever in their relationships with others.

Trent and Smalley focus on five primary areas: meaningful appropriate touch, spoken words, attaching high value, visualizing a special future, and an active/genuine commitment.

I regularly hug our children at bedtime but purposing to hug them, touch their hand while speaking with them, and maintaining eye contact all throughout the day has made a difference in my life as well.  I never want to be too busy to hear them out.  I want them to have the blessing of their father and I on their lives so they will always carry that built-in love and acceptance no matter where they go or what they do.  I truly believe the impact our blessing has on their lives will be felt for generations to come. 

Great book that serves as both a guide for parents and anyone seeking to model what giving of self really means.

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