Sunday, August 5, 2018

Book Review: World Religions and Cults, Vol. 3 ~ Bodie Hodge & Roger Patterson

As previously reviewed, World Religions and Cults is a 3 volume set. Volume 3 focuses on Atheistic and Humanistic Religions. Atheism, Agnosticism, Secular Humanism, Nazism, Scientology (Thetanism/Church of Scientology/Hubbardism), Communism, Postmodernism, Epicureanism and Evolutionary Religions, Dualism, Christian Syncretism with Evolution and other belief systems (compromise), Religion of Naturalism, Materialism, and Empiricisim each have their own chapters.

Several appendices at the end of Volume 3 offer invaluable additional information. Learn about the Bible versus other religious books, what a martyr is, if morality is possible for a Secularist, what the intelligent design movement is, how evolutionary humanism destroys, how to respond to Atheist propaganda and skeptics, and what Evolution (with a capital E) means. Most importantly, for those who need this question answered, "What must I do to be saved?" has its own chapter. What it all comes down to is knowing the Truth because your life (literally) depends on it.

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